New Moon in Leo
Mercury square Uranus, North Node, Mars
Venus in Cancer
Roaring Diva
Backstage at a renowned opera house, a woman prepares for her debut performance. It’s opening night, and the highly anticipated production enjoys a full house.
Assistants mill about, helping the young Diva get into costume and character. The bright lights framing the make-up mirror shine upon her, illuminating her distant stare. A soft lilac color paints her face with accents of rouge, pink, and gold above the eyes.
Her headdress and gown are dazzling kinetic sculptures that change hue and dance in a constant flow of motion. She takes a deep breath as the make-up artist applies the final touches, and emerges from her dressing room to wait in the wings for her cue.
The theater is pitch dark, and the audience is silent.
A single sustained note swells, enveloping the crowd. The tone multiplies, breaks into sparks of light, and flies around the venue like a swarm of bees.
Sensations of terror and delight sweeps through the theater. The audience shrieks, laughs, and pop out of their seats as the swirling light-bees dive in playful acrobatics. Never have the viewers seen such inventive, creative technology.
Now center stage, the Diva stands still and quiet. The bees form a mandala of light around her, and the audience gasps. Rainbows of prismatic color flicker as her gown oscillates. Her heart beats wildly in her chest. She takes a beat, looks towards the heavens, and opens her lungs.
Ethereal vocals rip through the theater space. A shocked and bewildered audience takes hold of one another as they witness the birth of a pioneering and revolutionary artist. They revel for the duration, astounded and forever changed.
After the performance, theatergoers leave the venue in stunned-euphoria. Some weep, some smile, some choose not to speak for days.
A roaring Diva is born, and a new trail blazed.